By Brittany Webb, Sports Editor
Posted 11:20 AM EST, Mon., March 27, 2017
Throughout the year, Nathan Easington dedicates some of his time to the sports section of The Hilltop. As a contributing writer, Easington faithfully submits at least one article per week that pertains to athletics at Howard, in the community and nationwide.
During Spring Break, Easington took some time away from sports, but he didn’t stray far from Howard’s dedication to truth and service.
Easington, accompanied by his friends, traveled to St. Croix in the United States Virgin Island. While most students traveled for personal enjoyment, the group traveled to serve the community.
“We went to do community service in the name of Asa O’neal who was a student at Howard and lived in Drew Hall before,” Easington said. “He passed away.”
O’Neal passed away in November of last year after becoming ill. While in high school, O’neal was diagnosed with Crohn’s disease, an autoimmune disorder. He was a native of St. Croix.
While on the island, the group of Howard students spent several days clearing a path for a nature preserve and planting a garden at the island’s single hospital for mother who have lost their children.
“While we were there we were featured on the front page of both the local St. Croix newspaper and the newspaper for the Virgin Islands,” Easington said. “We also spoke on a local radio show and at the University of the Virgin Islands.”
In truth and service. #DoItForAsa