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Sen. Kamala Harris Welcomes Bison Home

The Presidential Candidate and Howard Alumna Greets Homecoming Visitors

Photo provided by Sen. Harris Office

By United States Senator Kamala Harris

Welcome Home

There’s nothing quite like Homecoming at Howard.

Walking around Howard University’s campus as tents are going up for Yardfest and wearing my favorite Howard sweatshirt, I’m renewed knowing this moment and this space was made for us, by us.

It’s more than just a chance to reconnect – it’s a family reunion where alumni, current students, and thousands of our closest friends come together to celebrate our collective progress and pay homage to the giants upon whose shoulders we stand. It’s a sacred time to exalt those of us who pursue our destinies in spite of the limited vision of others. 

Homecoming is a celebration of our history and the legacy of those who saw what could be, unburdened by what has been. For us Bison, It reminds both current students and alumni that we are  just a small piece in a legacy that has endured and thrived for over 150 years. 

For me, Howard is home.

This home is where I ran my first ever race for elected office.

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This home is where I found my beloved Alpha Kappa Alpha sisters.

And together, with my Howard family, it was revealed that we could be exceptional without being unusual. 

So as Georgia Avenue gets more congested and the faces on the Yard begin to look more familiar, pause for just a moment and take it all in.

Look around at the family that you chose and know that you are not the only one breaking barriers and overcoming obstacles.

A family shares hardships and a connected history. 

A family looks for ways to support and inspire one another.

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Look around and recognize you’re standing at the center of the future of this great nation.

Use this moment as your fuel and be reminded that our legacy endures.

You do not need permission to lead. What is required is already within you.

Forge your path.  Stand in your power. Continue Forward.


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