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Howard Holds TedxTalk Series

By: Justin Cohen, Assistant Copy Editor (@JustinThat1Kid)


“All Things Glorious” was the theme for the third installment of the TEDx Howard series held last Thursday in Cramton Auditorium. TEDx Howard is an annual event that has the goal of spreading thought-provoking ideas about social and scientific topics that are gaining national attention. This year, students had the pleasure to hear from four speakers, discussing topics ranging from the rise in technology to the challenges of incarceration.

Dr. Aprille Ericsson is an aerospace engineer at the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland. She opened the evening with ‘Ice, Ice, Baby,’ a discussion centered around the current condition of our climate. Her speech was set to raise the audience’s awareness about the dangerous effects global warming.

Howard University Assistant Professor in criminology, Dr. Bahiyyah Muhammad, followed with ‘Does the Apple Fall Far from Prison’? Muhammad discussed the statistics of youth who end up incarcerated like their parents. She also shared the impact of the media, which broadcasts the negative side of these children’s lives instead of providing healthy coping mechanisms.

“[Dr. Bahiyyah’s] section really relates to the social justice issues and activism problems that we have today,” said freshman Brianna Nargiso.

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Dr. Joanna Jenkins, Assistant Professor in Strategic Communications challenged students by ‘Reimagining the Revolution of Advertising.’ With the development of her new concept “Glorious Revolution,” Jenkins believes that consumers can influence the advertising industry for the betterment of the community. The final speaker of the night was civil rights attorney and community activist, Donald Temple. His discussion, “The Social and Political Implication in Technology,” focused on the increase in the use of technology in America. He delved into the shift in jobs and everyday life that will occur as soon as 2020.

“I found it extremely informative,” said freshman Katherine Osere, who attended the TedX event. “I learned about so many things I never would’ve given much thought to in the past. When people leave, they leave enlightened.”

In addition to the presentations, the audience was entertained with performances by the a capella Jazz Music group, Afro-Blue, and members of the Howard University Andrew Rankin Chapel Choir.

Near the close of the event, Cherish Ward, executive producer of the TEDx Howard, gave a powerful speech about the change that will be among the future generations. She reminded that no matter what, remember to keep “all things glorious”.


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