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The Hilltop

Letters To The Editor

All letters to the editor are gladly welcomed and will be considered for print publication or posting online.


  1. Letters should be exclusive to The Hilltop Newspaper. We do not publish open letters or third-party letters.
  2. Upon submission, letters become the property of The Hilltop. Please do not submit a letter that goes beyond a maximum of 500 words.
  3. Please note that any submission may be subject to being edited &/or trimmed as we reserve the right to do so, as necessary.
  4. You will be directly contacted by the The Hilltop’s Editor-in-Chief if your letter is a candidate for publication.

The preferable method to submit a letter is by direct email to the Editor-in-Chief at with the subject line “HT Letter To The Editor” for the email. For verification purposes, along with your letter, please ensure that you include all of the following:

Full Name:
Subject (i.e. Response to an article/Concern/Suggestion/Feedback/etc.): 
Contact Email Address:
Contact Phone Number (include area code):
Identification (i.e. Student/Alumni/Faculty/Staff/Community):
Classification (if student):
City of Residence (if outside of Howard University):

Please note that due to the high volumes of submissions, letters that do not include the information above cannot be published. This information is seen only by the Editor-in-Chief &/or letters editors and is not used for any commercial purposes. Anonymous letters and letters written under pseudonyms/nicknames will not be considered.

Thank you for reading The Hilltop!
